Refill of Open files for Fanta Rotary Files. QUANTITATIVE DISCOUNTS -5% from 15 blisters with code LIMES05 -10% from 20 blisters with code LIMES10 -15% from...
Refill of Open files for Fanta Rotary Files. QUANTITATIVE DISCOUNTS -5% from 15 blisters with code LIMES05 -10% from 20 blisters with code LIMES10 -15% from...
Refill for Rotary Files, designed for most complex cases ! QUANTITATIVE DISCOUNTS -5% from 15 blisters with code LIMES05 -10% from 20 blisters with code LIMES10 <br...
Refill for Rotary Files, designed for most complex cases ! QUANTITATIVE DISCOUNTS -5% from 15 blisters with code LIMES05 -10% from 20 blisters with code LIMES10 <br...
Sequence of 3 shaping and 3 finishing high elasticy V-Taper Gold NiTi files, designed for curved root canal preparation ! QUANTITATIVE DISCOUNTS -5% from 15 blisters with code LIMES05 -10% from 20 blisters with code <span...
Sequence of 3 shaping and 3 finishing high elasticy V-Taper Gold NiTi files, designed for curved root canal preparation ! QUANTITATIVE DISCOUNTS -5% from 15 blisters with code LIMES05 -10% from 20 blisters with code <span...
Refill of shaping and finishing high elasticy V-Taper Gold NiTi files, designed for curved root canal preparation ! QUANTITATIVE DISCOUNTS -5% from 15 blisters with code LIMES05 -10% from 20 blisters with code <span...
Refill of shaping and finishing high elasticy V-Taper Gold NiTi files, designed for curved root canal preparation ! QUANTITATIVE DISCOUNTS -5% from 15 blisters with code LIMES05 -10% from 20 blisters with code <span...