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    ZEN PACK includes :

    • 3 assorted sizes of WAMkey (n°1, n°2 and n°3)
    • 1 WAM'X forceps
    • 3 assorted pairs of Universal prongs
    • 3 assorted pairs of silicone slices

    Detailed information

    Maintenanceautoclavable 135°C/275°F
    Medical DeviceClass I
    Déclaration de conformitéCE


    In only 2 minutes, easily remove a crown or bridge painlessly with no risk to the tooth...and re-use the crown !

    So why take risks ?

    Outdated, traditional style crown pullers exert dangerous, heavy tensile loads on the ligament, and waste much of the removal force stretching the ligament and causing unnecessary patient trauma, and regularly damage or even extract the preparation....got your lawyers number handy?

    WAMkey is totally risk free !

    WAMkey's patented unique, gentle separating action allows the crown to follow the path of least resistance. In fact, it will look for the weakest point and gently de-bond the cement. Without pain to your patient, and with no risk of damage.

    WAMkey disassociates the crown from its abutment without applying ANY traction or tensile forces, or sideways movement. Wamkey doesn't pull the crown off, it actually PUSHES it off from underneath! PERFECT! Thus, there is no risk to fracture the tooth or to remove the build-up underneath.

    WAMkey exerts only a natural compressive pressure on the supporting tooth, which gradually increases until the crown is easily removed - without impact, damage or discomfort.

    WAMkey preserve's the crown or the bridge to allow temporary or permanent re-use.

    The main parts of the crown (margins, occlusal face and contact points) are preserved undamaged.
    Additionaly, in many situations, the initial window can be cut with the CMV bur on the lingual face. Why is this important ?
    Because after its removal, the prosthesis retains all its mechanical and aesthetic properties. You can now either make a small instant composite repair, or refer to the technician. Thus, a provisional or permanent reset is possible.
    The pressure on the filling is particularly low, so that you can dismiss any risk of leakage

    Why waste money ?

    With outdated traditional methods, the removal process can be time consuming and expensive, and the result uncertain. With WAMkey, your precious time is saved, because the entry window made in the crown is very small. By avoiding cutting the whole crown off, you also save your rotative materials (contra-angles, hand-pieces and drills...). And don't forget that in many situations you can also reset the crown provisionally or permanently. Bonus !

    Remove your crown before root canal treatment !

    Stop doing your root canal through the crown. WAMkey allows you to remove the crown in 1 or 2 minutes and in some cases, less than a minute.
    Once the crown removed, you have a easier access to the root canal, you can make an easier repair of the crown, and above all, you have an opportunity to make a far better diagnosis because you can visualize everything under the crown.

    How it works ?

    Firstly, locate the most accessible spot on the crown. The goal is to estimate the cement layer level between the occlusal surface of the abutment and the inner side of the crown itself.

    Secondly, drill a thin horizontal window in the crown.

    Enlarge this window until you can see the cement layer through the window.

    Then, after having checked that the slot is at the cement level, deepen the hole until it reaches the centre of the tooth preparation.

    Slightly extend the hole to form an horizontal rectangle.

    Finally, introduce the key down to the bottom of the slot and make a simple rotation on the handle.The crown is removed!
    In many cases, you'll be fooled into thinking that the WAMkey is meeting no resistance; even the patient may feel nothing at all. So watch attentively and ask your patient to listen carefully...

    It usually takes between 1 and 3 minutes to remove each crown. In specific cases (for example when removing ceramics or crowns on posts), the process may take a bit longer ( 4 to 8 minutes at the most).

    Clinical case - Dr W. Muller - Aix en Provence (FRANCE)

    This 34/36 (US: 19/21) bridge is about 10 years-old . The dentist has decided to remove it to treat the seriously infected 36. The root canals are closed with silver cones and a screw-post blocks the distal canal. Because of the screw post, the bridge must be removed (to enable the dentist to reach the root canal).

    The presence of the silver cones (old root-fillings) will force the dentist to question the efficiency of the procedure he is about to undertake. Making a new bridge is therefore excluded.
    On the other hand, placing a temporary bridge raises the problem of fragility in the long term and the risk of infiltrations .
    Re-setting the bridge is highly recommended in this situation. 

    After having made an incision in each crown, the dentist introduces the working portion/head of the smallest WAMkey® (n°1) successively into each hole to remove both crowns.
    If the smallest key is effectively too small, he uses the medium-sized one (n°2) or the biggest one (n°3).
    In this case, the hole is drilled in the vestibular face, but it could have been drilled into the lingual one.Note that the ceramic is not damaged in any way thanks to the minimal force used during this operation, and that the removal took no more than 4 or 5 minutes.
    After the crown has been removed, the 36 (#21 US) can be treated. This task is facilitated by the apparent accessibility and visibility.

    After the root has been treated, the dentist cements the bridge back. The goal is to leave the bridge in place several months, even years, until satisfied as to the quality of the endondontical treatment.
    Any excess cement is removed and the holes are filled with a composite.

    There should be no risk of infiltration thanks to the quality of brushing and minimum promptings at that location. If necessary the practitioner can carry out periodical check-ups. Where the re-evaluation of a case requires a lengthy wait, the cosmetic aspect of the restoration is completely satisfactory.

    If the treatment proves to be a success, within a few years, the practitioner could think about making a new bridge. However, if this endodontical treatment is a failure, the extraction of 36 might be forced, though the practitioner will have avoided the making of a brand new bridge with a limited life expectancy.

    How and where can I get WAMkeys?

    Nothing could be simpler. Take a look at the 'Distributors' section on our website. With our large network of regional distributors you can contact someone directly in your area. If we do not yet have a distributor there, you can order and pay for your instruments directly through our website.

    Isn't it faster to cut the crown, and then make a new crown ?

    No problem. But, even if you make a new prosthesis, isn't it better to use the old one as a temporary one, especially if it is a wide bridge? Isn't it better to avoid using lots of burs and wearing contra-angle hand-pieces to remove it?

    But the hole damages the crown, and so can I use the prosthesis again?

    Since the dentist no longer needs to alter or even perforate its essential areas, the crown is not irreparably damaged (see explanations). Once the small entry window is filled, the prosthesis can fullfill all it's essential functions:
    - occlusion
    - contact with adjacent teeth
    - waterproof
    - cosmetic
    In many cases, a simple repair is enough, and it can be made right after the removal with composite.
    Generally, the whole operation lasts less than half an hour, the ease of repair being comparable to the lingual filling/covering of a screw through crowns on an implant.

    Does it work on Porcelain Fused to Metal?

    Our technique is quick and easy to manage. After a few training removals, it is possible to save more than 80% of PFMs. It's merely a question of habit, skill and patience. Follow the instructions for use you will receive with your instruments, and you'll make it !

    Here are some usefull advices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r4OAqOIaH4

    Is WAMkey® under guarantee?

    Of course, WAMkey® is guaranteed as long as it has been used according to its protocol of use. The guarantee covers manufacturing defects and the non-conformity of raw materials. It is not guaranteed for ANY mishandle fracture that does not correspond to a defect. You will quickly discover that thanks to the reduced friction during crown removal, there is no need to force the instruments. Many skilful users (especially endodontists) have been using WAMkey® for years without any problems or incidents of breakage

    Why do I need 3 instruments?

    As illustrated by these animations, you should always start working with the smallest instrument in order to get as close as possible to the tooth's vertical axis. But if this instrument is too small, it will spin inside the cavity. This will especially happen if you face a thick cement layer, some decay or a build-up in amalgam. Then, the bigger instruments will certainly be useful. These 2 first instruments should always be used with no more than 2 fingers.
    In some situations, especially big molars, you might need more strength if the crown is tightly adjusted. You will then enlarge the cavity to insert the 3rd instrument that is 40 times stronger than the other ones.
    In fact, with only one WAMkey®, You would not be able to remove every crown.
    Nevertheless, instruments are sold individually for eventual replacements.

    Does WAMkey work with all kind of cements and resin cements?

    As most dental devices, WAMkey can't guarantee a 100% success. But practitioners using the WAMkey usually report an over 90% success rate. In 2012, an evaluation conducted by Dental Advisor in USA resulted in a 92% success rate over 320 crowns. And for sure, some of the 92% crowns removed with WAMkey were bonded and not cemented.
    WAMkey applies a couple of forces at the right spot (between the 2 elements we want to separate) in the right direction (along the axis of the prep). So we can assert that if you fail in removing a crown with WAMkey, there's absolutely no chance to remove it without destroying it completely.

    Does WAMkey work on Zirconia crowns?

    1/ WAMkey is presently the only device on the market that applies the energy in the right place (in the middle of the occlusal side of the preparation, between the preparation and the framework) and in the right direction (along the grand axis of the preparation). So if WAMkey doesn't allow you to remove a crown, no other device will allow you to succeed without destroying the crown. So WAMkey is presently you best chance to succeed.

    2/ Zirconia raises 2 essential difficulties:
    -Drilling in Zirconia is harder than in most other material used for crowns. But specific burs allow now to achieve this in better conditions than conventional diamond burs. We offer you to try Zircator that is perfectly adapted to the process of WAMkey:
    With Zircator, you should be able to create the appropriate tunnel between the preparation and the framework, which gives you a big chance to succeed.
    - Some cements and bonding devices are more resistant than others, which can complicate your task. This doesn't mean that it will make it impossible. Many practitioners mention that they succeeded in removing Zirconia crowns. Haven't you ever faced a patient who had his crown loosened on its own while bonded with a highly resistant resin cement?

    3/ Several serious studies reveal that all in all, WAMKey is successful in approximately 90%, provided that it's used in good indications (not on the lower anterior teeth, and preferably on premolars and molars).

    In conclusion, it is really worth trying. The success rate is probably lower on Zirconia crowns than metal crowns, but far from zero. And each time it will work, you'll save your time, your burs, you'll preserve your handpiece and you'll be able to reuse the crown as a temporary or as a permanent.

    Is there any risk to use WAMkey on vital teeth?

    This objection is legitimate.
    This question concerns young patients rather than old ones, because the older the patient is, the smaller and the lower the pulp is.

    In most cases, Don't forget that:
    - before creating the tunnel, you will have to enlarge the window into the crown until you can see the cement level
    - Once you can see the cement, and only once you can see it, you create the tunnel.
    - When drilling the tunnel, you use the crown as a guide (much harder than the dentine), so there is insignificant chance to drill into the pulp.

    There is however one important recommendation (see advices into the instruction CDrom). Add some water with the syringe in order to cool the bur when creating the tunnel, because the spray of the hand-piece will not be able to enter into the tunnel.

    “Absolutely brilliant product ! Has saved my life !”


    “Fantastic product !
    Very predictable. Had no problems with taking off crowns neatly since WAMkey !”


    “WAMkey® really disappointed me! I was ready to have fun while removing an old bridge...but I did not have enough time, because the "thing" removed it as if it was a temporary bridge. Boo hoo! The thing jumps the gun. Even the patient noticed it: " Was it ready to come out, good heavens! It was high time to change it..."

    Dr Rafaël SOBIESKI - Heyrieux (FRANCE)

    “I have been using the WAMkey® crown remover for about 3 years now. It's one of the best buys I ever made. I tried a lot of other instruments and techniques, but they are all less effective and less timesaving. The most important thing to me, is that the stress for the tooth is reduced to a minimum. I can recommend the WAMkey® to any dentist.
    p.s. I ordered the WAM'X® ® post remover and am looking forward to having another great instrument that will help me in my daily practice”

    Dr Roger ZEMP - Freibourg (SWITZERLAND)

    Dr Maria MOORE - Virginia Water (ENGLAND)

    "Ausgezeichnetes Produkt. Einfach zu handhaben. Zuverlässig. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Kauf dieses Produktes.Mit freundlichen Grüssen"

    Dr L. Sigrist - Ostermundigen (SWITZERLAND)

    Dr Sabine Kusche - Warburg (GERMANY)

    "I am still so amazed by the speed of the operation and by the fact that that the patient does not feel anything at all... the more I use WAMkey®, the less I can do without it..."

    Dr Robert ESKENAZI - Marseille (FRANCE)

    "That's right, it is almost disappointing, because it works fast when the incision is well placed.
    Example : crowns 45,46 (29,30 : US) cemented on post-crowns, 5 minutes exactly by the clock, my patient was really impressed and so was I.”

    Dr Thierry Couturier - Reims (FRANCE)

    Dr Fernando DURÁN SINDREU - Universidad Internacional de Cataluna (SPAIN)


    La valoración del sistema es muy favorable. De modo rápido podemos levantar coronas que de otro modo supondrían un auténtico desafío. Al empezar a utilizarlo pensábamos que sería difícil encontrar la vía de paso adecuada. La realidad nos mostró por el contrario que era muy fácil de utilizar.

    Los principales inconvenientes que observamos es que en coronas de metal noble, si al fresar dejamos una capa de metal en oclusal muy fina, podemos provocar una deformación del mismo al girar la llave WAM, lo que puede provocar la fractura de la porcelana.

    En anteriores su uso también nos ha parecido como más difícil, por lo que lo recomendamos para levantar coronas y puentes de premolar (podríamos incluir los colmillos, dependiendo del caso), hacia atrás.

    Las coronas pueden ser reutilizadas si así se desea de forma muy sencilla, especialmente como coronas provisionales, pero también en algunos casos para cementado definitivo. Para ello obturaremos con composite la cavidad de acceso lateral, que en todo caso queda menos expuesta que la cavidad oclusal que veníamos realizando en muchos casos.

    Alvarado C, Irigoyen J, Roig M. Articulo completo disponible

    “We can do without WAMkey® but WAMkey® does a good job and above all saves so much time, that's why it's such a profitable investment! "

    Dr Fredéric SACCENTI (La Loupe, FRANCE)

    Dr Assayag (FRANCE)

    “I have been using WamKey® for many years and teach the simple technique for crown and bridge removal on my courses. (...)WamKeys are robust and autoclavable so if you buy a set (WamKeys 1,2 and 3), it will probably last your career.     I don’t think there is a better, more reliable or predictable method for premolar and molar crown removal,  it’s a life changer!"

    Dr Shashi B. Mishra (UK)

    Drill, Squeeze & Remove !

    Forget those outdated complicated devices, and stop wasting your precious time on last centuries techniques with their random results and uncomfortable surgery.

    Use the only technically correct procedure that can remove a post without risk to the root, quickly, reliably and painlessly. WamX.

    Using a simple mechanical principle, WAM'X allows you to remove a post in 5 to 10 minutes. The Prongs' action generates several technically correct forces between the core and the occlusal side of the root, which induces no pain or risk for your patient.
    WAM'X will provide you spectacular results, even on mobile teeth.

    WAM'X is painless and risk-free.

    Thanks to the free rotation of the prongs, WAM'X automatically self-aligns to the path of least resistance. This allows the post to move freely as it releases - exactly the same way it went in. The root is always gently held in compression, never tension, and pressures on the root are extremely low, which minimizes risks of fracture for the root.

    In certain situations (i.e. apical infection on posterior lingual root,...) surgery is nearly impossible or unpredictable. Thanks to its compact shape, WAM'X allows you to reach any part of the denture and to remove any cast post or richmond crown in order to make a root canal re-treatment. Thanks WamX!

    How it works

    NEW - SuperQuick prongs process

    Reccently developped by Dr Cauris Couvrechel (Paris), the Super Quick prongs allow you now to remove a large number of cast post in less than a minute. Thanks to hteir modified shape and a smart process, the preparation is greatly eased and fastened. Moreover, it avoids to drill against the dentin which allows essential tissue savings and preserve the ferrule effect.

    Post & Core case

    Create a groove on the mesial and distal sides of the core. Unlike the orginal process, this new process doesn't require to drill at the junction between the core and the root.

    Try successively the different sizes of prongs in the order to select the smallest one that matches the U-shaped groove around the core.
     Select now the smalllest prong able to slide around the core. This prong will ideally slide along the core until it hits the margin.
    Once selected, insert the prongs into the forceps.

    Apply ultrasonic waves at full power, for 1 or 2 minutes on all sides of the post,alternatively with and without spray.
    Place the prongs mounted on the forceps as shown on this picture.
    Squeeze the forceps. When the larger prong hits the margin, the smaller one starts to lift the core along the axis of the pos

    Richmond crown case

    Using a drill or a disk, remove the distal and mesial sides of the crown.

    Create a groove on the mesial and distal sides of the core. Unlike the orginal process, this new process doesn't require to drill at the junction between the core and the root.

    Try successively the different sizes of prongs in the order to select the smallest one that matches the U-shaped groove around the core.
    Select now the smalllest prong able to slide around the core. This prong will ideally slide along the core until it hits the margin.
    Once selected, insert the prongs into the forceps.

    Apply ultrasonic waves at full power, for 1 or 2 minutes on all sides of the post,alternatively with and without spray.
    Place the prongs mounted on the forceps as shown on this picture.
    Squeeze the forceps. When the larger prong hits the margin, the smaller one starts to lift the core along the axis of the post.

    Universal prongs process

    Make several preliminary X-rays in order to locate approximately the interface between the core and the occlusal of the root.

    Create a "U" shaped space around the post in order to locate the post. Then, slowly eliminate the
    material remaining between this space and the occlusal side of the root.

    Apply ultrasonic waves at full power, for 1 or 2 minutes on all sides of the post,alternatively with and without spray.

    Choose the appropriate sizes of prongs and insert them as shown on the animation, one against the other.

    Keep the Wam'X plier loose (closed) and introduce the prongs gently, as far as possible between the root and the core.

    Squeeze the grips while firmly pressing your finger on the top of the prosthesis. This prevents it from springing out when the bond is broken. The separation of the prongs will remove the post.

    Dépose des reconstitutions corono-radiculaires : protocoles simplifiés

    C. Perez & C. Couvrechel, Les Entretiens d’Odontologie Stomatologie, 2017


    Face à un échec endodontique, le retraitement orthograde est souvent la solution de première intention. Ceci implique la dépose des restaurations coronaires et corono-radiculaires.
    Durant cette étape, la conservation maximale des structures dentaires saines doit être un objectif aussi important que le succès endodontique. Après l’analyse de la situation clinique, l’association en trois temps des techniques de dépose par vibration et par traction permet le démontage des reconstitutions corono-radiculaires en toute sécurité. Ce protocole inclut un nouvel instrument qui concilie économie tissulaire, sécurité et réversibilité. L’inlay-core est préalablement préparé a minima par 2 encoches proximales.
    La Wam’X SuperQuick®, agit par un mouvement de traction axial sur la restauration corono-radiculaire provoquant la rupture du materiau d’assemblage. La conception de la pince permet de donner une certaine liberté d’axe de traction afin d’éviter la fracture de la structure dentaire.

    Mots clés : inlay-core, effet férule, dépose, adhésion

    Article complet ici

    Universal prongs

    SuperQuick prongs

    Is it possible to remove post cores aswell as richmond crowns with WAM'X® ?

    Yes of course. The principle is exactly the same for the two situations. I case of a post core, you can even remove the post core and the crown at the same time, without removing the crown before. It's like removing a richmond crown.

    Is it possible to remove post cores with dowel?

    Yes. In this situation, you will just have to drill first to split the core in 2 or 3 parts (as many parts as posts) , In many cases, you could be surprised to see the dowel removed by the drill vibrations.

    Is it possible to re use the post after its removal?

    You should only be able to use it temporarilly because the important drilling in the core. You just have to fill the holes with composite.

    But don't forget that usually, when you decide to remove a post, the situation is generally uncomfortable: You only have a few choices:

    * Post removal and endodontic treatment
    * Apical surgery + retro obturation.
    * Root extraction

    Is it possible to remove a post if it is linked to other prosthetic elements?

    Yes. The post and the rest of the prosthesis must be removed separately. Therefore, it is necessary to separate the post from the bridge before starting to remove it.

    "The WAM (WAMKey and WAM'X) products are becoming indispensable in daily dental practice. Once you get familiar with these instruments after a few introductory sessions first, you will then never be able to do without. They are manufactured to high standards with a state-of-the-art design and a superior after-sales service. We can certainly proceed differently (although in certain cases, the WAM'X is the only solution) but doing so is complicated, extremely complicated!"

    Dr Alain GUYOBON - Saint Cyr l'Ecole (FRANCE) 2008.

    "As an endodontist, I never though removing a cast post could be that easy and so predictable."

    Clara STRÖM DDS (Sweden)

    "Far easier than any other solution surprisingly efficient. From my experience, a real must have."

    Peter D. MILLER DDS (USA)

    "There aren't that many solutions available for that purpose. And some of them are not that efficient. But that one REALLY WORKS!"

    Irina BOVKA DDS (Germany)

    1 other product in the same category:

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